Unified Agent Desktop

Agent Workspace

Agent Workspace is a powerful feature offered by NobelBiz OMNI+ that empowers contact center managers and owners with full control over the agent’s working environment. It provides the flexibility to customize and tailor the workspace according to the specific needs and preferences of the agents.

From layout and design to the integration of essential tools and applications, every aspect can be fine-tuned to optimize agent productivity and efficiency. This level of control ensures that agents have a seamless and personalized experience, resulting in enhanced performance and customer satisfaction.

agent workspace

The NobelBiz OMNI+ Agent Workspace lets you create the perfect work environment for your team.

With the NobelBiz OMNI+ Agent Workspace, you have the power to craft an ideal work environment for your team. It puts you in control, allowing you to customize every aspect of the workspace to meet the unique needs of your agents.

From configuring the layout and integrating essential tools to personalizing user interfaces, you can create a productive and efficient setting tailored to your team’s requirements. By providing them with the perfect work environment, you empower your agents to excel and deliver exceptional results.

Depending on the needs of a particular contact center, the Agent Interface of NobelBiz OMNI+ can be customized to foster a more productive workflow and more efficient campaigns. It’s simple, and it’s fast. But above all, it’s convenient.

Agent-friendly usability, ergonomic excellence, and heightened productivity

The Agent Interface is nothing less than the virtual office of your agents. Here is where all the hard work happens, where success is being recorded, and where failure can be analyzed.

This is why it is one of the key elements of every contact center platform. Its impact on the work quality of your agents is so great that it can literally make the difference between winning or losing at a business level.

The top priority for the NobelBiz OMNI+ Agent Interface is to find the perfect balance between agent usability, ergonomics, and productivity.

The Agent Interface is probably one of the most important elements of a performance-oriented contact center. And if this is true in a regular brick-and-mortar environment, the agent interface is twice as important in a remote work setup. We wanted it to be easy to use, without losing any of the productivity options that make the NobelBiz OMNI+ such an amazing product.

Customize Your Agent's Success

Depending on the industry or profile, every contact center has its way of doing things. This is why the Agent Interface of NobelBiz OMNI+ can be customized to offer a unique agent experience. 

  • Choose what toolbars to show: Tailor the Agent Interface by selecting which toolbars to display, allowing agents to have quick access to the most relevant features and functionalities based on their specific tasks and responsibilities.
  • Add, replace, or take out shortcuts: Empower agents by giving them the freedom to personalize their workflows. They can add, replace, or remove shortcuts, ensuring that the most frequently used actions or applications are easily accessible for improved efficiency.
  • Adjust the size of the font or labels: Enhance readability and user experience by allowing agents to customize the font size or label display within the Agent Interface. This flexibility ensures that agents can comfortably view and interact with the interface based on their individual preferences.
  • Customize access levels and permissions for different agent roles: Maintain data security and confidentiality by customizing access levels and permissions for various agent roles. Grant appropriate privileges and restrictions based on job responsibilities, ensuring that sensitive information is accessible only to authorized personnel.
  • Integrate CRM systems and third-party apps: Streamline workflows and enhance agent productivity by seamlessly integrating CRM systems and third-party applications within the Agent Interface. Agents can access all the necessary tools and information in one centralized location, eliminating the need to switch between different platforms and improving overall efficiency.

Transform Your Contact Center Operations: Discover the Power of OMNI+ Agent Workspace

The OMNI+ Agent Interface offers a comprehensive set of features designed to streamline agent workflows, optimize productivity, and elevate customer interactions. From easy access to an interactive desktop and various work-state statuses to CRM Dynamic Scripting and comprehensive telephony functions, agents can efficiently handle customer interactions with ease. Combined with client interaction history and omnichannel capabilities, the OMNI+ Agent Interface is a game-changer for enhancing agent efficiency and delivering personalized, seamless customer experiences.

Easy access to the interactive desktop

The OMNI+ Agent Interface ensures easy access to the interactive desktop, providing agents with a user-friendly platform to navigate seamlessly through their tasks, applications, and tools. With intuitive features and a well-organized layout, agents can efficiently manage their workflow and access the necessary resources without any hassle.

Various agent work-state statuses

Empowering agents with various work-state statuses, the OMNI+ Agent Interface enables them to indicate their availability, whether they are available to take calls, on a break, or in a meeting. This functionality facilitates efficient workforce management, ensuring that calls are routed to available agents and minimizing customer wait times.

CRM Dynamic Scripting

With CRM Dynamic Scripting integrated into the Agent Interface, agents have access to personalized scripts and prompts based on the specific customer interaction. This dynamic feature streamlines the conversation, ensuring agents provide consistent and accurate information, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and improved overall performance.

Advanced Built-In Telephony Functions

The Agent Interface of OMNI+ encompasses comprehensive telephony functions, allowing agents to handle inbound and outbound calls seamlessly. From call routing and transferring to call monitoring and conferencing, agents have the necessary tools at their fingertips to efficiently manage voice interactions and deliver exceptional customer service.

Client Interaction History

The OMNI+ Agent Interface provides a comprehensive client interaction history, giving agents a holistic view of previous interactions across various channels. This valuable information allows agents to understand the customer's journey, preferences, and past concerns, enabling them to provide personalized and contextually relevant support, fostering stronger customer relationships.

True Omnichannel

With its omnichannel capabilities, the OMNI+ Agent Interface enables agents to handle customer interactions across multiple channels, including voice, email, chat, and social media, from a single unified platform. This seamless integration enhances agent productivity, as they can efficiently switch between channels, respond promptly, and provide consistent experiences, regardless of the customer's preferred communication method.

The time tracking functions inside the software literally track an agent from when they login to when they log out. We use the on-demand reports built into the system to be able to pay our employees who work all over the county accurately and appropriately for the number of hours they’ve logged in and worked.
Brad Dashnaw, CEO of Shift Marketing

Related resources

Call Whispering: A Live Training Tool for Agents

Other OMNI+ Unified Agent Desktop features

Integrated WebRTC
Equip your contact center with the latest and most convenient digital telephony technology that allows you to import VoIP functions into a web browser.
Completely Web Based
Internet and a browser window are everything your agents need to get complete access to all the complex features of NobelBiz OMNI+.
Contact Center Call Recording Software
Train, improve agent-client interactions, gain invaluable client information, and more. Everything with the help of the advanced cloud recording capabilities of NoblBiz OMNI+.

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