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Latest Episode | March 13, 2025

#53: From Cost Center to Profit Driver: The CX Transformation Blueprint, with Camila Ferreira

About the Podcast

Because no one pictures themselves working at a call center, First Contact: Stories of the Call Center is a monthly podcast about how tech leaders and entrepreneurs found their way into the call center industry. And it’s never linear. Host Christian Montes poses questions about their life, their path, their struggles and successes, and most importantly- how and why did they end up with a headset on.


Season 1 | Episode 10

Exploring the Magic of Amazing Customer Service, with Shep Hyken

The revolution of customer experience is here and who else to spearhead this immense shift than Shep Hyken. A true CX magician, Shep talks about transforming your business overnight by just being 10% better! You’re in for a knowledge drop!


Season 1 | Episode 9

Human Voice and Simulation Training, with Nancy Munro of Verbal Transactions

Nancy Munro is an expert in the area of simulation training, with a lifelong career in software development specifically targeted at call centers and contact centers. We sure have a lot to learn from her so let’s dive right into episode 9!


Season 1 | Episode 8

The Lifelong Dream of Customer Support, with Roy Atkinson

Roy Atkinson made customer support his priority ever since, as a kid, he had his first paper route. After moving through many jobs, Roy is now Group Principal Analyst and an in-house expert for HDI and ICMI. Let’s learn from his vast experience!



Season 1 | Episode 7

Growing Up in a Call Center, with Thomas Laird of Expivia

Tom is probably the best exception we could find to the “oh, I got into the call center in college to earn some money” rule. He’s been in it since he was 9! Learn about the call center geek that he is and his experience as CEO of Expivia Interaction.


Season 1 | Episode 6

Truth-Telling and Robocalls, with Rebekah Johnson of Numeracle

Rebekah Johnson is the no-BS leader of the contact center space – always fighting the good fight, walking the fine line between the bad actors, the good actors, and the rules and regulations that seek to control the call center space.


Season 1 | Episode 5

The Emotionally Intelligent Leader, with Jim Rembach

Jim Rembach is a seasoned industry leader in the call center world. Between his many business endeavors and his podcast – he’s been up there day in, day out. Let’s draw some inspiration from a certified expert on emotional intelligence!


Season 1 | Episode 4

What Makes a True Leader, with Christa Heibel

Christa Heibel is a contact center guru with a “back-to-basics” approach to leadership. She is the founder of CH Consulting Group and Replenish Yoga and Wellness. Grab a notebook because she’s going to drop some expert knowledge on you!


Season 1 | Episode 3

Superwoman of the Call Center, with Cathy Karabetsos

Cathy is the Founder, President, and CEO of QCSS, in her words “the best call center on Earth.” Host Christian Montes sat down with her to talk about everything that went into being the best and how you can turn your business around!


Season 1 | Episode 2

Entrepreneurship as an Adventure Sport, with Jake Bush

After helicoptering and skiing in the outback, the last thing on your mind is that you’ll be CEO of a call center company. That’s what happened to Jake Bush. From adventuring to line chef, film student, call agent, and CEO. Learn more!


Season 1 | Episode 1

From Call Agent to CEO, with Steve Bederman

How does one become a CEO exactly? Steve Bederman shares his life story: from the time half his sales team quit, to his position as CEO of NobelBiz today. Listen to his thoughts on culture and keeping a virtual workplace up and running!
Some of the featured guests we had on the show
Shep Hyken
Juanita Coley
Harry Strausser III
Steve Bederman
Jason Cutter
Colin Shaw
Brad Cleveland
Michael Tamer
Gary Pudles
Bob Furniss
Michael Ferree
Jon Arnold

About our Podcast Host

With over 15 years of leveraging technology and creative tactics to drive outcomes, Christian has worked with some of the largest Enterprise Contact Centers, BPOs, and Global CCaaS providers in the world.

Host of the First Contact – Stories of the Call Center Podcast, where he interviews leaders from the contact center industry searching for new insights, tips, and stories. Also, host of the NobelBiz | Webinar Series, which brings top leaders in the industry together to discuss important topics and share best practices.

‘It’s really not about being only a call center. This business is driving outcomes for other companies and how they interact with people.’

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Avoiding Common Technology Mistakes in Contact Centers