Writing a call script is a must for contact centers that want to excel in their prospecting effort. If you write it according to the rules of the game, the script is an observable, cost-effective, and efficient method of attracting and maintaining prospects and clients. Of course, it’s not straightforward, but once you get the hang of it, writing a script will become less and less difficult.
Which takes us to today’s topic: what is call scripting and how to curate the best scripts?
What exactly is call scripting?
Call scripting, also known as the sales script, is a collection of predefined talking points that contact centers use while speaking with prospects or clients. They are often used by sales companies in conjunction with telephony systems that are combined with CRM applications. When an agent initiates a phone call, the talking points are accessible from a pop-up panel.
In that regard, the benefit of having a CRM is that it displays a history of all your connections on a dashboard at a glance. You can then use this to configure the predefined conversation based on the contact’s previous experiences with your business.
These scripts are meticulously crafted to cover a wide range of scenarios, ensuring agents can handle inquiries, complaints, and other customer interactions with the utmost professionalism and accuracy.
Why do scripts exist?
A call script is important for contact centers, especially in outbound campaigns for a variety of purposes. Contact Center agents provide a series of written answers to any condition that can occur using this method. This way, they won’t be caught off guard by potential questions or objections from your callers.
It is important to note that agents must maintain their attention at all times. They will quickly forget the most critical goal of the interaction if you do not have a well-established script, which is to get an appointment or consider a suggestion.
If you do not have the script, agents will be forced to rely entirely on their memory, risking forgetting the main features and advantages of your products or service.
As a result, call scripting can be seen as a diagram that guides you to your destination, such as making an appointment or closing a deal.
How does the call script help the sales process?
When asked whether they like operating from a script, some seasoned sales agents will claim they prefer autonomy.
Indeed, seasoned and effective agents are more likely to trust their own abilities to facilitate communication than they are to rely on a written script. Others will warn you that writing a promotional script is a work to quit because it is time-consuming, repetitive, and requires a great deal of structuring and editing.
However, there are many reasons why you should create a phone script, the most important of which is that it can help you be more successful in your efforts.
For one thing, the script keeps the dialogue structured and engaging, allowing you to bring up all of the important aspects of the call without worrying about what you’ll say afterward. As a result, you won’t miss the most important things, and you’ll be able to get the caller’s interest and get them to commit to a meeting with you. In other words, if you can plan ahead of time, you can be more optimistic and articulate during your call.
Contrary to common opinion, a promotional script is not like a fantastic book that you must read word for word. It is a changing factor that must be adjusted based on the interlocutor and the success of the discussion.
Here’s why it’s useful to have an editable script that can be reviewed and changed as the product evolves, the interviewer’s attitude changes, or they’re nervous. With this in mind, you should be certain that your call script is assisting you in obtaining the meeting.
How to create a call script?
A few precautions must be taken in order to write an effective call script.
Step 1: Decide on an objective
It is critical to determine the purpose of your call, whether it is to make a deal, schedule an appointment, create client relationships, extend your contract, or something else.
Without an objective, it is difficult to calculate your results, and even more importantly, it is impossible to guarantee that your script is right!
Step 2: focus on the interaction
The aim is to adapt the offer’s advantages to the needs of your prospects. As a result, you must put yourself in the shoes of your target in order to understand their point of view, wishes, and expectations. Next, consider what challenges the product can help to fix.
Assume you’re trying to prospect a marketer who is having trouble generating leads and you want him to use your digital marketing services.
In this situation, rather than mentioning your high degree of programming experience, it’s in your best interest to concentrate on how your service can boost visits to their website.
Step 3: Prepare for objections
You’ll be able to use all of your prospect’s objections to your benefit if you mention them all. Write valid answers for each case.
Some of the most common protests include a lack of time, finances, the need for permission, and indecision.
Most experts define a “qualified” lead as having four characteristics: BANT, which stands for Budget, Authority, Need, and Timing. In other words, a client who has a given need, a budget, the authority to make the decision, and his need is time-bound.
Step 4: The conversation
Always have the primary goal of your call in mind (for example, to make an appointment). The script should be brief and to the point.
The statement is as follows: This argumentation serves two purposes as it draws the attention of your target and persuades them to give you an appointment. To do this, you must direct your speech toward your interlocutor: what are his desires, and what answers do you want to offer him? First, introduce the prospect and then explain how you plan to assist him. Then, talk about the business and its expertise. Experience often provides reassurance.
Dealing with objections: A strong call script does not ignore objections, but rather considers them. It is preferable to find solutions to his multiple objections in order to demonstrate to your caller that you are interested in him and know your topic as well as its meaning.
You would be able to answer all of your clients’ objections if you are well-prepared. Anticipating them allows you to discover the right solutions to deal with them. The fluidity and coherence of your expression are critical for establishing a reputation. The more you educate yourself in advance about the meaning, atmosphere, and desires of the various interlocutors, the more successful your claims will be.
Once again, your agents’ demeanor will help you catch your caller’s attention and inspire them to be involved in the deal you’re making.
Step 5: The value of silence cannot be overstated
Take a break to allow your interlocutor to think! Don’t take over the floor; your goal is to get the interviewer to talk about himself. A brief pause in the dialogue helps you to plan your conclusion and make the most of all the components of the call’s conclusion. Listening to the caller is indeed a helpful way to demonstrate empathy.
Step 6: Prepare a call-ending statement for your script
The conclusion will be used to explain all you shared with your caller and to validate the next steps. Then, tell your goodbyes to your caller and make a decision for the next move to follow after the trade. If it is a matter of supplying more material or writing an update, the interlocutor now wants to hear from you. Do not let them down.
Prospecting by phone is a profession, and the call script is a guide. It allows you to interact more effectively with your target. Remember that the mood and tone are also important factors to consider. A well-written script, strong planning, and a polite, knowledgeable demeanor would help you meet your sales prospecting goals.
Don’t forget that your script is not set in time and must change as your conversations progress.
What are the mistakes to avoid?
When composing the call script, make sure to show it as an outline rather than a page with several paragraphs.
Furthermore, the call script would only be successful if it encourages the consumer to speak more freely. A tip: you should structure the dialogue so that 80% of the time is spent on the prospect and just 20% on your product or service.
Don’t create a phone script that’s impossible to comprehend and remember. It should be simple to use and provide a straightforward answer.
To put it another way, choose the most effective and appropriate questions. This increases the chances of learning and solving your customers’ problems while also building the first steps to customer loyalty.
Finally, because a call script is written, you should ensure that it does not contain language, which is often irritating to your callers. So refrain from doing things like “Don’t worry, we’ll verify that…” or “Don’t worry, we’ll just reset the…” Bad words can also be avoided in the call script.
The Human Factor
The script’s idea is simple: simply modulate your questions or responses based on the content of the phone call and the response of your interlocutor. However, your agents should stop reading pre-scripted phrases into your phone script. Instead, agents should show the following qualities:
- Listening to, rephrasing, and properly answer to the prospects’ concerns and objections
- Compassion and serenity. Place yourself in your prospect’s shoes to ensure you grasp his or her true condition.
- Directness: You must be able to articulate the motivations for your call and how your offer will fix their problems without putting too much creativity on yourself. Consider the rejection if the prospect is hesitant to resume the conversation, for example. This demonstrates to them that you are sensitive and have a genuine listening stance.
It is also important to practice and train the phone script. It is a powerful weapon, but it is worthless without your participation. Remember to put a smile on your face and express conviction when speaking so that your script does not seem to be read mechanically.
Better still, you can monitor the script on a daily basis to identify places for change and calibrate your voice. Remember that designing and using a call script is a daunting process that yields excellent results. As a result, many businesses entrust it to seasoned salespeople, such as those working in a contact center.
Remember that the words you use must be carefully considered. And if you use the best strategies, the wrong terms will still have a negative effect on your calls. However, if you know how to use the right terms, they will improve the effectiveness of your scripts and help you win the confidence of your callers here are some examples:
Words and sentences to use within your script
- “We can certainly do that for you.”
- “That’s good to know “
- “I can assure you that “
- ” No worries. “
- “I guarantee you that…”
- ” Of course “
- “Please”
Words and sentences to replace
- “Sell you” with “help you”
- “Problem” with “challenge”
- “I understand your objection. ” with “I understand your concern. “
Examples of words and sentences to ban
- “To show you how “: When this phrase is used repeatedly in your calls, closing rates will drop.
- “Contract”. This word sounds too commercial and can also decrease your chances of getting a yes.
- “No”. If you want to frustrate your callers, this is the right word!
The final touch in your script
Remember that as a prospector, you are the company’s ambassador and always the first point of contact with your prospects.
As a result, you must write your script in such a way that it portrays a good picture of your products and services. The call script, if well thought out, will help you in your job by professionalizing your phone exchanges.
You will be able to write a script that suits the needs of your prospects and maximize the odds of having an appointment as a result of the tips we have provided.
If despite this, you are not always comfortable speaking on the phone, you should seek to change and improve your script. This is a common and successful approach for ensuring your contact center’s performance and satisfying reputation.
How NobelBiz Omni+ can take your Contact Center to the Next Level?
With NobelBiz Omni+ you don’t just make or take calls. You can use a sophisticated outbound dialing engine that increases your response rates, record calls to create an extensive customer history database, and move your interactions on multiple channels to cover a larger array of customer needs and demands; all while using personalized and customized scripts.
NobelBiz Omni+ is a true omnichannel contact center software solution that allows you to capture customer information, increase KPIs and maintain ASL. Seamlessly integrate proprietary or third-party CRM applications with our extensive APIs and data dictionary libraries.

Abdelmounim Benharouga has always had a strong passion for writing and digital marketing. He started as a Digital Content Writer part of marketing department then moved to being Customer Success Manager for the African Region within the Nobelbiz team.