The NobelBiz Voice Carrier Network: A Tailored Solution

Contact centers are the heartbeats of customer service, enabling seamless communication between businesses and their clientele across the globe. The foundation of these interactions lies in the robustness of their voice infrastructure. While finding a voice provider might seem straightforward, with almost every Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) provider offering voice services alongside their software products, not all voice services are crafted equally.
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Contact centers are the heartbeats of customer service, enabling seamless communication between businesses and their clientele across the globe.

The foundation of these interactions lies in the robustness of their voice infrastructure.

While finding a voice provider might seem straightforward, with almost every Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) provider offering voice services alongside their software products, not all voice services are crafted equally.

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The Pitfalls of Conventional Voice Services

For most clients, the difference between voice services is undetectable until significant issues arise. These issues can range from numbers being labeled and blocked, poor number management, severe drops in contact rates, to frequent network downtime due to lack of redundancy, and delayed resolutions for telecom-related technical issues. These kinds of challenges often stem from vendors having minimal control over their resale of voice services, leaving many contact centers vulnerable.

Understanding VoIP Telecom Systems

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telecom systems are pivotal for modern contact centers. These systems enable voice communication over the internet rather than traditional phone lines, offering significant cost savings, scalability, and flexibility. Explore how VoIP can significantly reduce costs for call centers in 2023 with our insightful article – an essential read for businesses looking to enhance efficiency and save money! VoIP is especially important for contact centers, allowing for efficient management of high-volume, outbound, and inbound traffic, which is essential for maintaining high levels of customer service and engagement.

Discover the key factors to consider when selecting VoIP services for your contact center in our comprehensive article – a must-read for ensuring top-notch communication solutions!

Here are the top reasons why VoIP is essential for call centers:

Lower Costs:

  • VoIP calls are more cost-effective than traditional landline calls.
  • By switching to VoIP, businesses can save money on equipment and infrastructure costs.
  • VoIP systems utilize existing internet connections, eliminating the need for costly new hardware.


  • VoIP systems offer adaptability to changing needs.
  • Call centers can easily scale up or down based on call volume.
  • Remote work becomes feasible, allowing call centers to operate efficiently from various locations.

Advanced Functionality:

  • VoIP provides features like Interactive Voice Response (IVR).
  • IVR allows customers to handle routine tasks themselves, freeing up call center agents to address more complex inquiries.
  • Customized audio greetings and announcements enhance the customer experience.

Enhanced Collaboration:

  • VoIP enables collaboration among call center agents.
  • Agents can share data, collaborate on calls, and work efficiently.
  • Real-time visibility into call center activity empowers managers to make informed decisions.

Improved Customer Experience:

  • VoIP systems enhance call quality and reduce call drops.
  • Clearer audio ensures better interactions with customers.
  • Features like call recording and analytics help monitor performance and identify areas for improvement.

Brayan Carpio

Senior Call Center Manager, Call4You Marketing

“The technology aspect of NobelBiz stood out compared to the competition, and also the great team! All the way from onboarding to support to troubleshooting has been great throughout this journey!”

The NobelBiz Voice Carrier Network: A Tailored Solution

NobelBiz has engineered its Voice Carrier Network from the ground up, specifically catering to the nuanced demands of the call center industry. This bespoke network is designed to sustain call-center-specific outbound and inbound traffic with peak efficiency, without the need for additional infrastructure. Its architecture focuses on enhancing contact rates and productivity, mitigating the impact of call labeling and blocking, and ensuring all-around compliance.

The Outbound Journey

The outbound call process exemplifies the network’s sophistication. It begins with an agent placing a VoIP call using a browser-based softphone, which then enters the NobelBiz Cloud through various interconnection methods such as SIP Trunking, Private Connections/MPLS, or TDM Gateways. NobelBiz’s redundant data centers in Los Angeles, CA, and 60 Hudson, NY, rank among the most resilient locations globally for interfacing with the PSTN network, featuring redundant PSTN carriers and data networks to circumvent outages and congestions efficiently.

The Inbound Path

inbound telecom network structure

Similarly, inbound calls are meticulously managed to ensure control over the customer interaction. Calls are first routed to the cloud, where they undergo processing via the SBC Cluster. NobelBiz’s SMRT Self-Service platform empowers clients to configure and manage every aspect of their inbound traffic, showcasing the network’s versatility in handling contact center-specific traffic demands.


The Unmatched Infrastructure of NobelBiz Voice Carrier Network

The NobelBiz Voice Carrier Network is meticulously designed to cater exclusively to the needs of the contact center industry. This specialization is evident in every aspect of its infrastructure:

  • Designed for Call Center Traffic: The network is built to handle both outbound and inbound call center traffic with unmatched efficiency, eliminating the need for additional infrastructure enhancements.
  • Robust Data Centers: With data centers located in strategic, resilient locations like Los Angeles, CA, and 60 Hudson, NY, NobelBiz guarantees stability and reliability. These centers feature redundant PSTN carriers and data networks to ensure continuous operation.
  • Advanced Routing and Compliance Features: Utilizing Session Border Controllers (SBC) and Load Balancers, the network intelligently manages calls, ensuring high availability and compliance with regulations like STIR/SHAKEN authentication.

What is contact center IVR



Advantages of the NobelBiz Voice Carrier Network

NobelBiz’s network offers a comprehensive set of benefits, detailed below, which underscore its commitment to providing superior voice services for contact centers:

Lower Cost-Per-Minute:

One of the most significant advantages is the network’s ability to offer competitive pricing, which translates into direct savings for contact centers, especially highlighted in the context of VoIP’s overall cost efficiency for call centers in 2023.

Minimal Maintenance Costs:

By leveraging cloud-based infrastructure and VoIP technology, NobelBiz reduces the need for extensive on-site hardware, thereby lowering maintenance costs.

Advanced Feature Set:

The network comes with a rich suite of features designed to enhance call center operations, including:

  • LocalTouch® technology for effective Local Caller ID management, ensuring higher answer rates by displaying local numbers to call recipients.
  • Real-time scaling capabilities that allow contact centers to adjust their operations dynamically, aligning with demand without the need for physical infrastructure changes.
  • A Self-Service platform that empowers contact centers to manage and route numbers with ease, providing control over the voice infrastructure without requiring technical expertise.
  • Global Multi-Region Architecture and over 650 interconnected carrier partners worldwide, ensuring global reach and reliability.
  • Top Voice Quality, adhering to the MOS (Mean Opinion Score) call standard, which guarantees clear and reliable voice communications.
  • Multiple Safety Nets and Compliance Tools, including TCPA Filters and STIR/SHAKEN Authentication, ensuring calls meet regulatory requirements and reduce the risk of being flagged or blocked.
Work-from-Home Ready:

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work, and NobelBiz’s infrastructure is perfectly suited for this shift, enabling agents to work efficiently from any location.

Worldwide Coverage:

With a vast network of interconnected carrier partners, NobelBiz ensures that contact centers can reach customers across the globe without compromising on call quality or reliability.


The NobelBiz Voice Carrier Network represents a paradigm shift in how contact centers can leverage voice services. By providing a network that is not only robust, scalable, and feature-rich but also designed with the specific needs of the call center industry in mind, NobelBiz sets itself apart. Contact centers looking to improve their customer engagement, operational efficiency, and compliance, while also reducing costs, will find NobelBiz’s Voice Carrier Network an indispensable ally in achieving their objectives.

The NobelBiz Voice Carrier Network stands out not just for its technological advancements but for its deep understanding of the call center industry’s specific needs. From its robust infrastructure designed for high reliability and redundancy to its comprehensive suite of features and compliance tools, NobelBiz offers a solution that significantly enhances productivity and contact rates while minimizing operational challenges. For contact centers looking to elevate their voice services, NobelBiz represents a partnership that promises not just connectivity, but a competitive edge in the realm of customer service.

Michael McGuire is a contact center industry expert with almost two decades of experience in the space. His experience includes roles as Director of Contact Center Digital Transformation at NobelBiz, and as Director of Operations at FLS Connect, managing multiple call centers. As President of Anomaly Squared and Targeted Metrics, Michael successfully transitioned companies into remote operations and significantly boosted revenues. With a strong background in customer service, leadership, strategic planning, and operations management, Michael excels in driving growth and innovation in the call center space.

Mike is also a proud Board Member for R.E.A.C.H Trade Group, promoting consumer protection and satisfaction and Co-host of the Off Skripted Podcast – a show about Life, Call Centers and everything in between.

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