7 Key Performance Indicators for Excellent Customer service

KPIs for Customer Service

Measuring your contact center performance is the first cornerstone of your outbound campaign. In order to build an efficient and satisfying customer relationship with your customers, Choosing key performance indicators adapted to your customer service activity is a crucial element to your success.

To help you see more clearly, here are the most prominent Key Performance Indicators for Customer Service:

1. Net Promoter Score (NPS), the intention

The Net Promoter Score is a KPI that primarily measures how well your customers would recommend your brand or service. This metric, therefore, measures the intention and willingness of your customers. Results of the test will therefore be much less influenced by the client’s emotional state at a given moment T and much more by his rational thoughts.

In order to quantify this indicator, you need to segment the clients into 3 categories. With a scale between 1 and 10, you can qualify them as follows:

• Ambassadors (9-10),

• Passive users (7-8)

• Detractors (0-6)

The calculation doesn’t stop here, you must then take the percentage of ambassadors and subtract it from the percentage of detractors. And you will have your NPS score.

2. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) – Emotional Insight

If you want to get a clue about your customer’s emotional journey. The most important KPI to look for is the Customer Satisfaction Score or CSAT.

To do so, you must directly ask each customer to rate their satisfaction with your product, service, and the quality of their interaction with the agents. The CSAT will then be made up of the average of all customer returns over a given period of time.

As far as the scoring system is concerned, you can choose numbers, stars, or emoticons. The most essential aspect to keep in mind before making a decision is the cultural factors that may affect understanding the survey.

3. The Average Handling Time (AHT) – Time

As the saying goes in business, “Time is Money”. This is the golden rule in the call center world.

In more practical terms, each interaction requires a certain amount of time for resolution. Especially during an incoming phone contact, the associated cost is crucial from a managerial point of view. Hence the role of the AHT, the KPI that measures the time required to process a customer request.

In the case of an inbound call, you have to add the call duration with the client and the post-call processing time (processing of the file, administrative information, etc.). This time, which varies greatly depending on the brand, is estimated to be around 5 minutes.

It is therefore pivotal data to effectively manage your inbound campaign, whether to set service quality objectives or to better plan and anticipate the workload of your agents.

4. Customer Effort Score – Efforts from the clients

It is about measuring the effort made by your customer. What does it mean?

It’s actually a metric to assess the level of customer frustration. This is all the more important today than ever with the rising of social media and digital communication channels. Especially since having oversized detractors is very easy these days.

Again, the best tactic is to propose a stylized question: How much effort did you have to put in to get your answer? Once you have collected the notes. You can work at the process level to improve your performance. This includes smoother customer flow, reduced waiting time, and others.

5. Selfcare Rate, Digital Sensitivity

Whether it is a webchat or a communication app, today’s customers have a wide omnichannel choice to contact brands. In this sense, the self-care rate allows measuring the capacity of the customer service to propose solutions and answers 24/7 and reduce processing costs.

This rate allows you to measure the digital sensitivity of your customers, but also the digital maturity of your call center.

6. SERVQUAL, Multidimensions

This multi-dimensional KPI globally measures the following equation: service + quality.

This indicator measures service and quality in a multidimensional way. This is also a relatively new KPI, created by Valerie Zeithamland is considered to be the most accurate method for judging customer service. Since it’s based on a very simple principle, asking a customer to rate his experience and his expectations from the brand and the service.

On the other hand, the purpose is more complex! Give your customers a benchmark to enable them to formalize a precise response on an often abstract theme. That satisfaction is linked to the reality of the proposed services.

In other words, SERVQUAL is based on 5 dimensions:

• Reliability: The ability to offer a promised service in a satisfactory and precise manner.

• Confidence: The level of knowledge and friendliness of agents and their ability to create a sense of confidence.

• Tangible – The outward appearance of your customer service

• Empathy: The extent to which agents care and give special attention to customer demand.

• Responsiveness or The speed of service provided

The first 3 dimensions measure your customers’ perception of customer service. Each indicator can be measured, for example using a scale from 1 to 10, or simply by opinions ranging from “Strongly disagree” to “Strongly agree”.

7. First Call Resolution Rate

As its name indicates, this KPI allows you to quantify the proportion of requests that are resolved during the first call. It is the final line to know the customer satisfaction but also the efficiency of your agents. Therefore, it is considered by brands as the indicator of the viability of a contact center. The higher your rate is, the better your performance will be.

In order to improve this KPI, the strategy is centered on 3 dimensions:

• Set objectives to be reached and train your agents on a regular basis,

• Precisely measure your performance by setting up a customer expectation grid (with an associated resolution time for each reason for calling).

• Quantitatively measure your performance. This implies setting up a grid of customer expectations (e.g. call duration, resolution time, the reason for the request, etc.).

• Having a technology that links the digital path and the telephone path of the customer. In that regard, Omni+ from NobelBiz offers your contact center a high-performance and quality omnichannel technology blending every communication channel out there and getting closer more than ever to your clients.

Once this strategy is set in motion, chances are your performance will be at its highest!

Abdelmounim Benharouga has always had a strong passion for writing and digital marketing.  He started as a Digital Content Writer part of marketing department then moved to being Customer Success Manager for the African Region within the Nobelbiz team.

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