The Untold Story of Mental Health in Call Centers

How to Nurture and Protect the Mental Health of Agents

In this exclusive webinar we tackle the delicate matter of mental health in the Contact Center World. For this special edition episode, we invited two professionals that are uniquely qualified to talk about the issue of poor mental health in the Call Center Industry, as well as provide simple solutions to address it efficiently and increase employee productivity while decreasing turnover rates.

Join our inquisitive host, Christian Montes, NobelBiz Director of Sales, as he welcomes back Sam Falletta, CEO of Incept, together with a new star guest, James (Jim) Diefendorff Ph.D. and Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Akron University.

Sam Falletta has collaborated with Professor James Diefendorff for a visionary psychological study in an attempt to create a nurturing work environment for Incept’s employees. You can now reap the benefits of their findings in this exclusive webinar meant to both increase awareness on mental health in the Contact Center Space and bring you simple solutions to rapidly and efficiently address this issue.

Don’t miss out on this revolutionary webinar that can help you be part of the change this industry desperately needs!

We will talk about:

The Call Center Stress Syndrome – How to Recognize and Address It

How to Identify Unique Stressors in Call Centers and the Benefits of Role Separation Training

The Impact of the Pandemic on Call Center Agent Common Stressors

The Correlation Between High Stress/Low Control and High Turnover

How to Improve the Mental Health of Your Call Center Agents

Expert Strategies in Addressing Mental Health in Call Centers

What Creates a Healthy Work Environment? Tips From a Mental Health Professional

What Helps? How INCEPT Managed to Motivate Employees

Get the Webinar Recording!

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We will talk about:

The Call Center Stress Syndrome – How to Recognize and Address It

How to Identify Unique Stressors in Call Centers and the Benefits of Role Separation Training

The Impact of the Pandemic on Call Center Agent Common Stressors

The Correlation Between High Stress/Low Control and High Turnover

How to Improve the Mental Health of Your Call Center Agents

Expert Strategies in Addressing Mental Health in Call Centers

What Creates a Healthy Work Environment? Tips From a Mental Health Professional

What Helps? How INCEPT Managed to Motivate Employees

Join a lively conversation with:

Sam Falletta
Sam Falletta


Sam Falletta is the CEO of Incept, where he has been responsible for the development and execution of successful customer acquisition and retention strategies for some of the largest brands in the world including Microsoft, Ford, Honda, and the American Red Cross.

James Diefendorff
James (Jim) Diefendorff Ph.D.

Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology @ Akron University

James (Jim) Diefendorff is an Industrial/Organizational Psychology professor at The University of Akron. With over 25 years of experience in teaching, research, and applied work in organizations, he has developed expertise in issues around employee motivation and emotion and their links to worker well-being and effectiveness.

Meet our NobelBiz Webinar Series Host

With over 15 years of leveraging technology and creative tactics to drive outcomes, Christian has worked with some of the largest Enterprise Contact Centers, BPOs, and Global CCaaS providers in the world.
Host of the First Contact – Stories of the Call Center Podcast, where he interviews leaders from the contact center industry searching for new insights, tips, and stories. Host of the NobelBiz | Webinar Series, which brings top leaders in the industry together to discuss important topics and share best practices.

Christian Montes

Executive VP Client Operations at NobelBiz

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