Nobelbiz Webinars

Fix Your Outbound Contact Rate Today

Technology Tips, Tricks, and Solutions for a Dramatic Improvement of Outbound Contact Rate

We all know that the outbound Contact Rate has a direct and decisive impact on the most important outbound metric of all: the Conversion Rate.

In the beginning, we need to understand that not even the best salespeople in the universe can make a difference if the calls or contact attempts are not being answered.

This is why we wanted to create a special webinar episode with all you need to know about the Contact Rate and how to improve it drastically. We will go through all the technical elements that directly or indirectly impact your Contact Rate, from the famous Local Caller ID technology to client database best practices and automated processes, and so on.

The primary purpose of this webinar episode will be to educate contact center owners, managers, and professionals on the importance of constantly improving their Contact Rates. You will witness a lively discussion on the latest technological trends and approaches that can positively impact the Contact Rate and overall performance of a call center. And, of course, as always, you will have access to a host of other tips, tricks, and solutions!

You will learn:

🗸 What is the Contact Rate

🗸 Importance of the Contact Rate for outbound campaigns

🗸 The power of Local Caller ID

🗸 Leverage an integrated CRM

🗸 Omnichannel: Contact Rate beyond voice

🗸 Automated and Predictive Dialers

Get the Webinar Recording!

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Join a lively conversation with:

Michael McGuire
Senior Contact Center Software Consultant,
Mike has been in the call center world for more than 24 years running global operations for both outsourcing and internal companies. He had the opportunity to work in multiple verticals, from Fundraising, Collections, Telecom, Lead generation, Travel, etc., building strong expertise and a deep understanding of the challenges contact centers are facing today with economic changes, post-pandemic difficulties, revenue issues, turnover, attrition and so on.
Christian Montes
Executive VP of Client Operations,
With over 15 years of leveraging technology and creative tactics to drive outcomes, Christian has worked with some of the largest Enterprise Contact Centers, BPOs, and Global CCaaS providers in the world. Host of the First Contact – Stories of the Call Center Podcast, where he interviews leaders from the contact center industry searching for new insights, tips, and stories. Host of the NobelBiz | Webinar Series, which brings top leaders in the industry together to discuss important topics and share best practices.

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