Nobelbiz Webinars – Live roundtable

Outbound Compliance Survival Kit

What you need to know to stay compliant and profitable

Staying up-to-date with legislation going into effect and being aware of the potential future changes in the legal environment at a federal and individual state level is a crucial behavior for any performance-oriented contact center. Compliance is not something on your “nice to have” list but a serious “must.”

Thursday, March 2, 2023

10 am PST | 1 pm EST

Duration: 50 mins

Most of the time, compliance comes with a lot of headaches for businesses worldwide. That’s because regulations are diverse, fast-changing, difficult to understand, limiting, and prone to interpretations. No wonder contact centers face a lot of misery when trying to stay compliant and also to keep their business profitable.

Is there any light at the end of the compliance tunnel?! Let’s find out!

Topics covered:

🗸 “The PhoneBurner Odyssey” – what are the lessons for carriers and dialing platforms providers

🗸 Understanding the regulatory context – rules & regulations going into effect in 2023:

    • The mini-TCPA series 
    • Rules on text/SMS and other communications channels

🗸 Understanding an ATDS in the TCPA landscape

    • ATDS versus Human Selection 

🗸 Understanding the concept of personal liability for non-compliance

🗸 How can contact centers survive and thrive in the fast-changing regulatory environment

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Join a special live roundtable with:

Eric Troutman
Founder of Troutman Firm,
The Czar of

Eric is nationally recognized in Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) litigation and compliance. He has served as lead defense counsel in more than 500 national TCPA class actions and has litigated thousands of individual TCPA cases in his role as national strategic litigation counsel for call center operators, lead providers, retailers, banks, and finance companies. He frequently advocates before the FCC for TCPA sanity and helps industry participants build TCPA-compliant processes, policies, and systems.

Dan Greenwell
Chief Financial Officer,
Customer Dynamics

With over 35 years of business experience, Dan has held executive positions of CEO and CFO for several public companies. He has led international organizations and consistently viewed IT as a strategic resource.  While in his role as CFO, Dan assisted in the transformation of IT departments to embrace current technology for sales and customer service with a view to improving customer experiences and profitability.

Michael McGuire
Senior Contact Center Software Consultant,

Mike has been in the call center world for more than 24 years running global operations for both outsourcing and internal companies. He had the opportunity to work in multiple verticals, from Fundraising, Collections, Telecom, Lead generation, Travel, etc., building strong expertise and a deep understanding of the challenges contact centers are facing today with economic changes, post-pandemic difficulties, revenue issues, turnover, attrition and so on.  

Bradley Butler
Contact Center Software Consultant,

With more than ten years of experience in the contact center space, Brad has worked in operations, business development/intelligence, and within the C-suite of executives that make decisions regarding workflows, platforms, and technology.

After years of working in sales, Brad began to inquire about the technology used by businesses and how it made work more accessible and efficient. He quickly learned the value of identifying and displaying data and information so that C-level administrators can make educated decisions that quickly guide a contact center toward its goals.

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